Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Who Cares More About America

It would appear that you are the one in need of education.

Republican politicians care more about the poor than do Democrats.  Republicans donate more money to charities that help people than Democrats, because they believe that local groups can do a better job of helping the poor than the government does. 

If you want to get a close look at what results when the government says, "We'll take care of you," take a drive to an Indian reservation.  Take a look at Oakland and Chicago, where the residents kill each other.  The Democrats answer for Indians was to allow them to have casinos, which are actually run by Las Vegas and Atlantic City conglomerates, and are a tax on the poor.  Rich people do not go to casinos to get wealthy.

As far as the "uneducated" in this country, whose fault is that?  Education is free, but not mandatory.  How about a law that states that you cannot have a driver's license until you are 18 and have a high school diploma.  When 40% of the kids going to a California State University need to take a bonehead English and/or Math course because they were not taught properly in school, it say something.  Elementary and high schools are like the Ford assembly line ... they come in at the beginning and leave, whether they are operating properly or not. 

Why are teachers not paid for their results rather than for showing up and going through the motions.  Don't get me wrong.  There are many good teachers in the schools who are prevented by the administrators from doing their jobs, which often involves not giving the kids the grades they EARNED and deserve.  Tenure keeps the bad teachers in place and sucks the enthusiasm from the younger teachers who are eager to teach, rather than just go through the motions until retirement.

Let's also look at the history of Democrats.  The 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, was introduced by Republicans and overwhelmingly approved by Republicans, while the majority of Democrats voted against it.  The Civil Rights Act of 1964 80% of House Republicans voted in favor, compared to only 63% of Democrats.  It was not much different in the Senate, where 82% of Republicans voted for the bill, compared to only 69% of Democrats.  Prior to the passage of the bill, Democrats filibustered for 54 days against it.

After the passage of the Civil Rights Act, it was the Democrats in the south who blocked kids from going into white schools and passed various voting restrictions, such as a poll tax and a literacy test.  The court system overrode those restrictive laws, and the Democrats knew that they were going to face obliteration as a party unless they did something.  In order to start winning the black vote, they began the Welfare State, promising to take care of them.  Slavery is alive and well in America, thanks to the Democrats.  Instead of whips, chains and task masters, they are controlled by welfare, food stamps and promises of corrupt Democrats who can never deliver on their promises.  As far as Democrats are concerned, people need only learn the first four letters of the alphabet, so they can recognize who to vote for because there is a (D) at the end of their names.  There are you sheep.

Yes, there are people who are poor for many reasons that justify the help that they receive from the government.  However, when someone who is perfectly capable of working sits around the house or cruises the streets and collects $50,000 a year in benefits, there is a definite problem with the system. 

And please, don't bring up the "wealth gap."  The wealth gap in countries like China, India and Russia are much greater than here.  At least in America, there is an opportunity to try something to improve one's self.  Even if they dropped out of school, they can still learn and improve themselves.  Last I heard, library cards are free.

Finally, regarding Al "Not-So" Sharpton, he does not tell the truth.  He is an agitator, not a reverend.  He was wrong with the Tawana Brawley matter.  He was wrong with the Duke University Lacrosse team matter.  He may or may not be wrong about the Ferguson case.  The point out is that he follows the ready, fire, aim approach.  He and Jesse Jackson do more the create racial unrest than anyone I can think of, and Obama and Holder help him do it.  Why did Sharpton after he went to Ferguson hop on a plane in St. Louis and go to Salt Lake City to raise hell about Dillon Taylor, another unarmed man who was shot to death by a cop?  Couldn't be because the cop was black and Taylor was white, could it?

I think that his time would be better spent in Obama's state of Illinois, working with the black community on improving themselves rather than killing each other.

There will always be the wealthy and there will always be the poor.  The ration has not really changed over the history of mankind.  Some get their wealth in evil ways, such as Saddam Husain, and some get it through hard work and bringing value, like Bill Gates.  Others are in between.  However, America is the only country that I know of where someone can start with nothing and make a better life for him or herself.  I know that, because I did it.