Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Happy Christmas Eve, 2014.

The world is an interesting place, where people express their thoughts and beliefs for the world to see.  Sometimes with facts and logic, and sometimes with emotion and rhetoric. 

My Christmas wish is that we all take the next 8 days to calm down and come together as people and Americans, whether we are black, white, brown, yellow or any color in between.  Let's really take an introspective look at ourselves over the next few days, and resolve to make things better.

My thoughts for the next year:

1.         I resolve to stop listening to the provocateurs in this world, whether it be the Al Sharpton's or the Rush Limbaugh's.

2.         I resolve to take everything that ANY politician says with a grain of sand, knowing that most of them do not care about the American people or what is best for the country and the world, and instead really care only about getting re-elected to the office they are in or getting up to a higher office.

3.         I resolve to ignore much of the media, whether left, right or supposedly in the center, because they only want to increase their ratings or circulation.  Let's demand that they report facts in the main pages of the paper, and limit their opinions to the Opinion Page.

4.         Having successfully managed to keep resolutions 1 through 3, I resolve to use my own mind to determine what is good for all Americans, including myself.  Not at the expense of anyone, but at the service of everyone.

5.         I resolve to work to lift people up, rather than tear them down.  To lift myself up by making myself a better person, rather than tear other people down to make me appear to be a better person.

6.         Finally, I will search for people that want to serve the people while they are in office, and who will promote changes in the laws of the United States that will reduce or eliminate the power of money in politics and elections.

Merry Christmas